
16. Februar 2023
The Institute for Danube Swabian History and Regional Studies calls for invites applications for participation in the annual institute conference to be held in Tübingen, Germany, October 12-14, 2023. Online participation is possible in exceptional cases. The conference has two goals: 1) by employing frameworks and critical perspectives from the field of settler colonial studies, it aims to contribute to a better understanding of the wide range of processes of settling and unsettling in the east of Europe as well as to a better understanding of the place of the east of Europe within the global history of settler colonialism; and 2) by placing the east of Europe on the map of settler colonial…
15. November 2022
Das Redaktionsteam der Plattform der "Jungen Osteuropa Experten" sucht ehrenamtliche Freiwillige für die Tagesredaktion von Website und Newsletter oder die Wartung der Technik.
15. November 2022
Der Leibniz Forschungsverbund „Wert der Vergangenheit“, das Herder-Institut für historische Ostmitteleuropaforschung und weitere Veranstalter laden zur Einreichung von Beiträgen zur Konferenz "Geschichte in der digitalen Gegenwart" ein. Die Anmeldefrist endet am 30.11.2022.
4. November 2022
Elf bunte XXL-Buchstaben warten im DZM auf ihren Einsatz. Ab Mitte November können sich Besucher*innen damit an einem neu gestalteten Fotopunkt fotografieren. Die XXL-Buchstaben lassen sich zu auch zu Wörtern zusammenstellen: DONAU, FLUSS, DZM oder ULM.
4. November 2022
The project “A small but fertile field: strengthening Southeast European Studies in Regensburg” (seeFField) is pleased to announce a call for applications for our 2022/2023 pre-doctoral fellowship to start on 1 April 2023, with a maximum duration of 6 months. It is expected that within this funding period, and under the guidance of an academic supervisor, the pre-doc fellow will write a doctoral project that fits the seeFField profile (please visit: https://seeffield.app.uni-regensburg.de/), in preparation for an application for (external) funding. The key research disciplines are history, social anthropology, and linguistics. The deadline for application is 15 December 2022.