Russian Germans on Four Continents


The registration is possible until 10 November 2021, noon CET:
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Conference program:
Please note: All times are indicated in Central European Time (CET)


17-17.20: Opening speech: Anna Flack, Jan Musekamp, Jannis Panagiotidis, Hans-Christian Petersen
17.20-18.05: Keynote: Aileen Friesen, U Winnipeg: Mennonites in Motion: Mass Migration, Faith, and Belonging

18.05-18.20: Break

18.20-19.35: Panel I: Transnational Networks and Belonging, comment: Gaelle Fisher, IFZ München
Eric J. Schmaltz, Northwestern Oklahoma State U: The Transnational Exchange of Ideas: The Impact of the Ethnic German Dissident and Emigration Movements on Soviet Domestic and Foreign Policy (1972-1987)
Tetiana Havlin, U Siegen: Entrepreneurial Networks of Russian Germans across the Eurasian Space: From a Corner Store to a Transnational Supermarket Chain
Tatjana Schell, independent scholar: Letters from the Homeland: Analyzing Personal Letters to the Russian German Migrants in North America


17-18.25: Panel II: Defining Germanness, comment: Ludmila Isurin, Ohio State U
Hans-Christian Petersen, IMIS Osnabrück/BKGE Oldenburg: Transatlantic Diaspora Activism and völkisch Heritage: Karl Stumpp and the Russian Germans
Concha Maria Höfler, Nottingham Trent U: „Sie wolle, mir solle da bleibe“: How Germany determines what “being German” means in the post-Soviet space
Irina Gewinner, U Luxembourg: All shades of white: equality and cultural assimilation of Russian-speaking migrants in Germany
Alicia Cipria, U Alabama: Volga Germans in Entre Ríos, Argentina: language maintenance and shift

18.25-18.40: Break

18.40-19.55: Panel III: Mobility and Immobility, comment: Tim Buchen, TU Dresden
Jan Musekamp, U Pittsburgh: In the Eye of the Ethnonational Storm: Volhynia’s German-Speakers on the Move
J. Otto Pohl, independent scholar: The Deportation of Russian Germans to Kazakhstan in 1941 and their Subsequent Fate
Lucas Löff-Machado, Catholic U Eichstätt: „Ich weiss ja nicht von wo das herkomme, dass sie uns Deutsch Russen nenne“: Negotiating Norms in the former Colony Guarany, Rio Grande do Sul

19.55-20.10: Break

20.10-20.40: Lena Wolf, Presentation: graphic novel: May The Universe Be Your Home! A Russian German Story.
Afterwards: Networking and Food


17-18.15: Panel IV: Memory Cultures: Making Sense of Ethnicity, comment: John Swanson, U Tennessee at Chattanooga
Matthias Kaltenbrunner, U Vienna/Harvard U: Conscientious Objectors: Narrating the Mennonite WW II Experience
Anna Kozlova, Carleton U: Multiple Migrations in a Transnational World. Oral History Narratives of Russian-German Migrants in Manitoba
James Casteel, Carleton U: Russian-German Migrant Memories Beyond Ethnonational Frames

18.15-18.30: Break

18.30-19.00: Closing remarks and publication plans: Anna Flack and Jannis Panagiotidis
Conference Registration until 10 November 2021, noon CET:
Upon registration, please indicate your affiliation and why you would like to participate.

Anna Flack, Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (IMIS), University of Osnabrück;
Hans-Christian Petersen, Federal Institute for the Culture and History of the Germans from Eastern Europe (BKGE), Oldenburg;
Jannis Panagiotidis, Research Center for the History of Transformations (RECET), University of Vienna;
Jan Musekamp, Department of History, University of Pittsburgh