New Security Challenges in Europe and its Neighborhood. A deeper Insight by an Estonian Associate Professor and former Member of the Estonian Ministry of Defense.


Termin: Donnerstag, 28. Januar 2021, 20:00 Uhr

Gast: Holger Mölder, PhD, Associate Professor in International Relations, Tallinn University of Technology
Ort: ZOOM - Meeting-ID: 955 0978 4551 - Kenncode: 430343 - Einladungslink:

Zur Person: Holger Mölder is an Associate Professor in International Relations at the Tallinn University of Technology, who is focusing on various international security issues in his academic activities. He has a PhD degree in Political Sciences from the University of Tartu and a MA degree in International Security and Civil-Military Relations from the US Naval Postgraduate School. Previously, he worked nearly 20 years for the Estonian Ministry of Defense and the Estonian Military Academy. His main research interests and recent academic publications cover cooperative security issues, political cultures, influence and information operations, conspiracy theories and psychological warfare.
Inhalt: In der Osteuropa-Lounge wird Herr Mölder (PhD) Einblicke in Estland geben, über seinen Werdegang berichten sowie über seine damit einhergegangenen Tätigkeits- und Forschungsgebiete.
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