Calls for Papers

27.10.2020, 13:56
Die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (BKM) fördert auf der Grundlage des § 96 Bundesvertriebenengesetz (BVFG) Projekte zur Erforschung und Vermittlung von Kultur und Geschichte der Regionen des östlichen Europas, in denen Deutsche gelebt haben bzw. heute noch leben. Für 2021 wird erneut ein Förderschwerpunkt zum oben genannten Rahmenthema ausgeschrieben, mit dem Ziel, insbesondere einen jüngeren Interessentenkreis anzusprechen.
27.10.2020, 12:12
Participate in the upcoming 18th edition of the International Symposium Ideologies, Values, and Political Behavior in Central and Eastern Europe. The event aims to bring together researchers interested in Central and Eastern European politics.
07.10.2020, 14:20
01.09.2020, 13:51
As part of the 4th conference of the European Labour History Network (ELHN), Vienna, 30 August–3 September 2021, we invite abstracts for papers for a series of sessions organised by the Working Group ‘Labour Migration History’. Although migration currently receives great attention in political and academic debates, it is often discussed as a humanitarian emergency, a social and a security problem, but very rarely as a labour (history) issue. Similarly, research sympathetic to the struggles of migrants tends to denounce the violation of human and civil rights experienced by migrants but very rarely refers to the breach of labour rights endured by migrants. This working group seeks to…
26.06.2020, 11:42
In 2016, the Serbian government announced that it was initiating a programme of restitution for Jewish victims of the Holocaust in wartime Serbia. The “heirless property restitution law,” the first of its kind in Eastern Europe, proposed that thousands of buildings confiscated from Jews during the occupation would be handed to the country’s Association of Jewish Communities. The government also undertook to offer financial support to the community in the form of an annual sum of 950,000 Euros for the next twenty-five years. In the wake of this announcement, a number of governments in the region adopted similar restitution programs. These restitution measures have coincided with and in some…