Call for Applications: Shadow of Empires. Imperial Legacies and Mythologies in East Central Europe

(Press release by Prisma Ukraïna)

Prisma Ukraïna – Research Network Eastern Europe, Berlin in cooperation with CAS Centre for Advanced Study Sofia, the Center for Governance and Culture in Europe, University St. Gallen and the German Historical Institute Warsaw invite applications for participation in our Transregional Academy.

Title: Shadows of Empires. Imperial Legacies and Mythologies in East Central Europe
Date: 14-21 September 2020
Place: CAS Centre for Advanced Study Sofia

Our Transregional Academy will address issues related to the empires of the 19th century which left both material and intellectual legacies in Eastern Europe. They challenged each other’s influence in the region, and some territories of East and Central Europe were not only imperial borderlands but also a part of, or vassals dependent on, the Russian and the Ottoman empires. To these belonged parts of present-day Romania and Moldova: the historic principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia, and parts of Ukraine: Crimea, the Northern Black Sea Coast and the historic regions of Bukovyna and Podillia. On the intellectual map of Eastern Europe at the fin de siècle, Russian pan-Slavism and pan-Turkism were the competing ideologies. Relations with the imagined “West” implied specific consequences and occupy a special place in the legacies of all empires. While the “solution of the Eastern question” always meant disintegration for the Ottoman Empire, the Russian Empire, with the Congress of Vienna in 1815, became part of the geopolitical balance of power in Europe.

Travel, accommodation, insurance and visa matters will be covered and arranged by the organizers. The deadline for applications is 15 March 2020.

Please find the announcement enclosed as well as on our Website and on Facebook. We would be grateful if you could also circulate the Call at your institution and among interested scholars.